- 2 January 2025
Started a Senior Research Fellow position at the WAIS group of the University of Southampton. - 23 November 2023
Volunteering software development support for the eHealth data platform of the SWIFTSS charity. - 12 June 2023
Our team was selected as semi-finalists for the Data Science competition Wellcome Ideathon - 8 February 2023
Started a consultancy project on the subject of uncertainty modelling and provenance with graph databases. - 15 June 2022
Our article Satisfiability and containment of recursive SHACL was published in the Journal of Web Semantics. - 13 June 2022
Delivered an invited seminar at the AIAI institute of the University of Edinburgh. - 30 March 2022
Achieved Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) from Advance HE. - 4 February 2022
Published a book chapter presenting a review of SHACL literature and applications. - 10 September 2021
Delivered a lecture at the Reasoning Web Summer School 2021. - 26 February 2021
Delivered a seminar at the Web and Internet Science Research Group at the University of Southampton titled: "SHACL: Data Validation for Knowledge Graphs". - 10 September 2020
Delivered an introductory course on graph databases with practical exercises for the industry. - 4 August 2020
Our paper "SHACL Satisfiability and Containment" was accepted at ISWC 2020. - 1 April 2020
Completed a consultancy project for Cookpad Inc (dealing with a corpus of instructions using NLP and ML). - 29 October 2019
Presented our research paper "SHACL Constraints with Inference Rules" at ISWC 2019. - 1 October 2019
Started project SEMANTIC as an industry-collaboration research project at University of Southampton. - 12 August 2019
Paper "Rule Applicability on RDF Triplestore Schemas" presented at the IJCAI 2019 Workshop on AI for Internet of Things AI4IoT 2019. - 25 July 2019
Demo paper "A Policy Editor for Semantic Sensor Networks" accepted at ISWC 2019. - 17 July 2018
Presented paper "Vocabulary Alignment for Collaborative Agents: a Study with Real-World Multilingual How-to Instructions" (and poster) at IJCAI-ECAI-18. - 26 June 2018
Poster presentation at the C-IoT Poster Event (University of Southampton). - 24 May 2018
Co-organised The Intelligent Internet of Things Workshop at the University of Southampton. - 10 May 2018
Awarded funding from the ECS Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems (C-IoT) Pump Priming Fund 2018. - 1 November 2017
Started a postdoc at the University of Southampton in the ASSET project. - 7 October 2017
Presentation at the ESSENCE International Conference on Computational Approaches to Diversity in Interaction and Meaning, at the Venice International University, Venice, Italy. - 21 September 2017
Presentation at the 2017 Workshop on Hybrid Human-Machine Computing (HHMC 2017) at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. - 11 September 2017
Kickoff meeting of the ASSET project at Ozyegin University, Istanbul. - 10 August 2017
I delivered half of a 3-days course in Singapore for the students of the SMU University. This was an intensive introduction to Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. - 17 March 2017
Published the Multilingual Human Activities Dataset, a new version of my instructional dataset with 800K+ instructions across 16 different languages formalised in RDF. - 24 October 2016
Invited talk at the National Informatics Institute (NII) in Tokyo titled: "From Human Instructions to Executable Linked Data". - 17 October 2016
Workshop and poster presentation at ISWC 2016. - 5 September 2016
Poster presentation at the 3rd ESSENCE Summer School on Creativity and Evolution. - 8 August 2016
New paper "Distributed Linked Data as a Framework for Human-Machine Collaboration" accepted at the Seventh International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2016), co-located with ISWC 2016. - 1 August 2016
Started a Marie Curie fellowship at Taiger (Madrid) with the ESSENCE Network. - 1 June 2016
Paper presentation at the ESWC 2016 conference. - 22 April 2016
The Human Activities Dataset, containing the RDF representation of over 200,000 human activities has been uploaded on Datahub and GitHub. - 14 April 2016
Presentation at the 5th UK Ontology Network Meeting (UKON 2016). - 16 December 2015
Published the PROHOW Linked Data vocabulary to describe know-how and the execution of tasks. - 24 August 2015
Attended the 2nd ESSENCE Summer School on Evolving Semantic Systems. - 9 July 2015
Presentation at the 5th Scottish Linked Data Interest Group Workshop (SLiDInG5). - 29 June 2015
Paper presented at the ACM Web Science conference, Oxford (slides). - 24 June 2015
Poster presentation at the SICSA 2015 conference, Glasgow. - 21 May 2015
Presentation at the 3rd International ESSENCE Workshop: Algorithms for Processing Meaning. - 23 March 2015
Invited talk at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK). - 28 November 2014
Pecha Kucha style paper presentation at the 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2014). More information about the conference is in this blog post. - 30 October 2014
The business perspective of the project on enhancing human know-how with Linked Data was presented at the SICSA DEMOfest. The poster used during the presentation is available here. - 10 September 2014
Hosted the 3rd Scottish Linked Data Interest Group workshop in Edinburgh and presented the project on "Integrating Know-How in the Linked Data Cloud" (slides). - 7 April 2014
Paper presented at the 6th Web Intelligence and Communities workshop at WWW 2014. - 10 December 2013
Attended the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences. - 13 July 2013
Presented a poster at the 10th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web in Cercedilla, Spain. - 13 June 2013
Poster presentation at the SICSA PhD Conference in Stirling won the best poster award on the second day session.
Working Experience
01/2025 - ongoing |
Senior Research Fellow in Data Management University of Southampton, UK |
03/2021 - 01/2025 |
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Programme and Module Leadership University of Winchester, UK |
07/2019 - ongoing | Consultant for a British multinational company. |
11/2017 - 02/2021 |
Research Fellow University of Southampton, UK |
01/2020 - 03/2020 | Consultant for Cookpad inc, UK |
08/2016 - 10/2017 |
Researcher Taiger, Spain |
01/2012 - 06/2012 |
Software Engineer Java, Java EE and Web development Orion Health, New Zealand |
09/2012 - 10/2017 |
PhD in Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
02/2014 - 08/2014 |
Research Internship National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
09/2010 – 08/2011 | MSc in Artificial Intelligence (Distinction) Specialization in Knowledge Management, Representation and Reasoning University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
09/2007 - 07/2010 | BSc in Computer Science (Hons.) Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy |
08/2009 - 06/2010 |
Erasmus exchange student Uppsala Universitet, Sweden |
Teaching Experience
University of Winchester, United Kingdom
- BSc in Computer Science, Programme Leader (from 2020/2021 to 2024/2025)
- BSc in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Programme Leader (from 2020/2021 to 2024/2025)
- BSc and PhD project supervision (from 2020/2021 to 2024/2025)
- Insight Management, Module Leader (2024/2025)
- Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Module Leader (from 2021/2022 to 2024/2025)
- Artificial Intelligence, Module Leader (from 2021/2022 to 2024/2025)
- Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour, Module Leader (from 2021/2022 to 2023/2024)
- Data Structures and Operating Systems, Module Leader (2020/2021)
- Object Oriented Software Development, Module Leader (2020/2021)
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- MSc supervision (02/2016-08/2016)
- Informatics Research Proposal, Tutor (01/2015-04/2015) tutorials homepage
- Semantic Web Systems, Teaching Assistant (11/2014-04/2015 and 11/2015-04/2016)
- Informatics Research Review, Tutor and Marker (09/2014-01/2015) tutorials homepage
- Multi-Agent and Semantic Web Systems, Teaching Assistant (09/2013-12/2013)
- Object-Oriented Programming, Tutor (01/2013-05/2013)
- Computation and Logic, Tutor (09/2012-12/2012 and 09/2013-12/2013)
Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
- Object-Oriented Programming, Demonstrator (01/2009-07/2009)
Some things I have done/used
- Lots of programming (mainly in Java and Python)
- Databases: GrapDB, Virtuoso and MySQL databases, the RDF-SPARQL-OWL stack (including SHACL, datalog, and reasoners); data integration with DBpedia
- Web: Javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, Web crawling
- Natural Language Processing: spaCy, NLTK, Stanford NLP, WordNet
- Crowdsourcing with AWS MTurk and Figure8 platforms
- Machine Learning: scikit-learn and Weka
Summer Schools
09/2016 |
3rd ESSENCE Summer School on Creativity and Evolution Como, Italy |
08/2015 |
2nd ESSENCE Summer School on Evolving Semantic Systems Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
07/2013 |
10th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web Cercedilla, Spain |
Selected Publications
- Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis, Fabio Mogavero. Satisfiability and Containment of Recursive SHACL. Journal of Web Semantics (2022)
Journal of Web Semantics
DOI: 10.1016/j.websem.2022.100721 - Paolo Pareti and George Konstantinidis. A Review of SHACL: From Data Validation to Schema Reasoning for RDF Graphs. Reasoning Web. Declarative Artificial Intelligence. (2022)
Reasoning Web 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95481-9_6 - Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis, Fabio Mogavero, Timothy J. Norman. SHACL Satisfiability and Containment. The 19th International Semantic Web Conference - ISWC 2020. (2020)
ISWC 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62419-4_27 - Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis, Timothy J. Norman, Murat Şensoy. SHACL Constraints with Inference Rules. The 18th International Semantic Web Conference - ISWC 2019. (2019)
ISWC 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30793-6_31 - Paula Chocron, Paolo Pareti. Vocabulary Alignment for Collaborative Agents: a Study with Real-World Multilingual How-to Instructions. IJCAI-ECAI 2018. (2018)
DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2018/22 - Paolo Pareti, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker. Linking Data, Services and Human Know-How. The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains. (2016)
ESWC 2016
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-34129-3_31 - Paolo Pareti, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker. A Linked Data Scalability Challenge: Concept Reuse Leads to Semantic Decay. Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference (2015)
Web Science 2015
DOI: 10.1145/2786451.2786485 - Paolo Pareti, Benoit Testu, Ryutaro Ichise, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker. Integrating Know-How into the Linked Data Cloud. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, volume 8876 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2014)
EKAW 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13704-9_30
Workshop Papers
- Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis, Timothy J. Norman, Murat Şensoy. Rule Applicability on RDF Triplestore Schemas. IJCAI 2019: Workshop on AI for Internet of Things. (2019)
AI4IoT 2019
arXiv: 1907.01627 - Paolo Pareti. Distributed Linked Data as a Framework for Human-Machine Collaboration. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD). (2016)
COLD 2016
- Paolo Pareti, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker. A Semantic Web of Know-How: Linked Data for Community-Centric Tasks. Proceedings of the companion publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web (2014)
DOI: 10.1145/2567948.2578846 - Paolo Pareti and Ewan Klein. Learning Vague Concepts for the Semantic Web. The 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), Joint Workshop on Knowledge Evolution and Ontology Dynamics. Bonn, Germany (2011)
arXiv: 1410.5078
Poster/Demo Papers
- Paolo Pareti, George Konstantinidis and Timothy J. Norman. A Policy Editor for Semantic Sensor Networks. Demo accepted at the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October (2019)
ISWC 2019
arXiv: 1911.06657 - Paolo Pareti. Human-Machine Collaboration over Linked Data. Poster accepted at the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Kobe, Japan, 17-21 October (2016)
ISWC 2016
- Paolo Pareti, Benoit Testu, Ryutaro Ichise, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker. A Linked Data Approach to Know-How. Demonstration and poster presented at the 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014), Linköping, Sweden, 24-28 November (2014)
EKAW 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17966-7_24
PhD, MSc and BSc Theses
- Paolo Pareti. Representation and Execution of Human Know-How on the Web. Edinburgh University, School of Informatics, PhD thesis (2017)
- Paolo Pareti. Automatic Update of Vague Ontological Concepts. Edinburgh University, School of Informatics, MSc thesis (2011)
- Paolo Pareti. Mining Unexpected Behaviour from Equipment Measurements. Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology, BSc thesis (2010)